Thursday, December 06, 2007


Well, if all goes as planned, there's snowshoeing in my future. Or cross country skiing. Or something. J is being super supportive with the weight loss and is right there with me for the exercise, not to mention cooking great healthy meals.

This weekend, I'd love to go snowshoeing. It's something I've wanted to try for years (try 10) and J wants to know what to get me for Christmas - snowshoes would be perfect if it's something I like. In the meantime, I get to outfit myself - new boots, mitts, a toque to go with the long underwear I picked up the other night and the fantastic scarf J brought me from Turkey. Ok, maybe I should replace that with something more practical.

So far, the weather has been cooperative dumping enough snow in this past week for either snowshoeing or cross country skiing. I suppose it's too much to ask for temperatures above -20C, but I'm not against hoping.

Come Monday, I'll have something to post about enjoying the outdoors. Maybe even a great snapshot or two as well!

Operation: Personal Trainer

Well, I'm underway with my personal trainer. 2x a week for... several weeks. Essentially until I hit my goal. So... Personal Trainer until Paris!

I'm really quite excited about this - unlike 1/2 of his clients on the first day. Out of 7 appointments, 3 or 4 either canceled or just didn't show up. Meanwhile I was impatient for the day to end so I could get there and get started.

Man...was that the wrong attitude. I had to stop twice in the workout. Apparently I was "hitting the wall" and it was either stop and lie down (greeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaat) or go throw up. I hurt for 2 days afterwards. I attacked the workout too hard and burned my energy fast. And, let's face it I'm out of shape AND I ate horribly that day.

The workout - 2 circuits of 3 exercises, completed as quickly as possible. At this point, using just body weight for all but one. It ends up combining both cardio and strength and kicks my butt. The reality: I finished 3 passes of the first circuit and had to stop partway through my first pass of the second circuit. Nowhere to go but up! Or down if you think about the scale.

Today is another training session and again I'm excited. It helps that Pete is very positive, encouraging and, of course, cute. Sorry folks, if someone's going to be whipping my butt into shape, it doesn't hurt that he's nice to look at while he's doing it. It also helps that I know what working out can do for me and I'm more than willing to put in the effort.

Now, how to get the co-workers to stop with the holiday snacks. Or even if they put them somewhere OTHER than right on the path I have to walk to get anywhere in this office! Willpower.