Friends in unexpected places...
Just over a year ago, I fell for this guy. He was a computer geek, liked a lot of what I liked, and just seemed like a good fit. He, of course, ran screaming. There's much to be said about how NOT ready for dating I was at the time, but it still hurt. But he wanted to stay friends. Somehow I managed to do that and get over my silly little crush.Now, Igloo boy doesn't come out to play often - at least not with me - so I've been thrown a tad off balance. But...
This week, and last week, he's been one of the major contributors to my sanity. He's given me the kick in the ass about the way I deserve to be treated. He's told me that there is someone out there who'll meet me, see my smile, see the sparkle in my eyes and want to give me what I need. Someone who is available for the relationship I want.
And I told him where to go. First, it seemed a tad hypocritical from some guy who decided he was uninterested. Seriously, buddy, if you can't see how wonderful I am, my ex can't, the guy I'm dating could (but now doesn't see me as quite so amazing), then what the hell makes you think anyone else is going to see that????? Give your head a shake.
Then again... it wasn't that long ago that the guy I'm... uh... yeah... it wasn't that long ago that G couldn't get enough of me. He thought I was amazing. Incredible, etc, etc etc. Ok, so I ruined that in my own special way, but still. It is possible!
Anyway... on friends. I was so excited about finding a recipe for wild mushroom perogies (yippee! wahoo!) that I messaged the guy. Hey, he likes to cook, right? Pffft, he made fun of me. Apparently I need to get a life and join a user's group or something. I took that as an invitation what with him running a User's Group here in the city. Unfortunately, their next meeting is in 2 weeks. Here I was hoping for a distraction tonight.
Ah well, I got a distraction for now. Not sure if its the image of him in seafoam spandex with pink leggings doing "jazz hands" (don't ask!) or the reminder of the good old days. My days of harem building. I think I was up to juggling 5... maybe 6 guys at a time once. An age range of 24 to 43. *Shakes head* what was I thinking? Dear god. I mean, I wasn't sleeping with them all. Or any of them. I'd just end up in this situation where I had a number of guys interested at any time. And then they'd fade away. For whatever reason it just wasn't right. Me, them.... Maybe they just figured out I was always looking out for someone better.
A fond memory but one I'm not willing to return to. Crazy cat lady... a harem of critters. Sounds better. Easier on the sanity.
Better get that laminate.
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