Rampant Harem Accumulation
Sigh. Just when I disbanded the last harem, my life seems to be getting odd again. And I know how it happens!I have this online dating profile. I keep it around for sh!ts 'n giggles. And for the odd geek get together in a public place. Occasionally (very occasionally), I'll get an email from a guy on there. Even more rare is the species of email that doesn't involve foreign countries, married men and/or a first line that asks me if I want to have the guy's babies. Yes, really.
So, I chat with and email people from the site that I've met at the get togethers and I don't worry so much about the whole meeting guys thing. There's more to life and all that crap.
Well, there's a guy, one or two actually, who I've been emailing for awhile and have just given up on. They email, disappear, email again a couple week (or months!) later. Fine, we all have busy lives. They seem nice enough and they aren't creepy, married and or looking to knock me up at first meeting (have my standards really fallen so low??????). Occasionally, one will get around to wanting to meet in person. Miraculously, this happened just a week or so ago and I managed to get a coffee date last night.
Not only does he meet the basic criteria, he's funny, appears smart, hardworking and normal. Yes folks, normal. Oohhhh and he fishes.
So last night, I go to bed happy about meeting a new guy who seems pretty darned nice. No, there were no wedding bells ringing in my head. Not even "let's go out to dinner" bells. Just more of a "whoda thunk it????" I told him I'd email him my phone number today.
So, I log in to my account and no email from him, but I ship one off to him with my phone number. He's at work, not likely to get it until later. I check randomly throughout the day as there is a get together tonight (Karaoke, ack!) and often I'll get email from friends the day of a meet like that.
Mid-morning, I get an email. But wait... I don't know this ID. So I read the email and it's a guy who came across my profile and is interested. Wha????? Timing really is everything folks. And no, one coffee date with a guy does not a relationship make (let's ignore my own personal baggage here and just pretend it could happen, mmmmk?), but I don't want to get into another harem situation.
Right now Zig is laughing at me, Igloo boy is making up harem scorecards to track my harem progress and the evil twin is shaking her head and biting her tongue. The rest of you are likely staring at the screen in horror, or laughing uncontrollably.
So I takes me time and I think about the situation. Wondering why these things happen to me gets me nowhere. Wondering what I did to attract men with similarities at various times of my life is more entertaining. I remember the 4 Gregs - in all my time online, I've had 4 Greg/Gregorys contact me...all in the same week. Two Justin's - same thing - two guys, same name, one week.
Now my little list of "fate has a sense of humor" coincidences put the the guy from last night and the guy who emailed me this morning in the same workplace. A large workplace to be sure and they are in two totally different areas so likely do not know each other. But you have to admit it's more than a little odd.
Anyway, at some point, my little mind decides that emailing guy #2 is perfectly innocent and should be done. So off goes the email. It's a Friday, I'm surprised I got any response at all from him knowing what I'm like on a Friday. But I do.
In the meantime, I end up talking to another guy through the message boards (confuzzled yet?) and he starts emailing me wanting to get to know me better.
So I go from a disbanded harem to the beginings of another one. Is there just some days where I look better than others? I just don't get it.
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